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"One day when I was looking at the harmonious landscape of water and rocks in the Sogeumgang in the Sogeumgang, I imagined a world world where all the different people I imagined a world where all the different people could get along well while keeping their individual natures. "Artist NOH WONHEE's reaction to this scene has influenced her life and artistic pursuits.


She makes mixtures of different inks and acrylic paint using textiles on hanji paper. In her work, the trace of the stains show the hardness of the rocks and that of the smooth and spread out movements, show the softness of the water. Thus these two techniques symbolize the dichotomy between opposites such as yin and yang, birth and death.


The artist chooses blue, sometimes on the edge of green, because it is a color rich in symbolism in Korea: primary color, representing the East in the theory of the five elements of color, harbinger of spring, instigator of life ... Her series Blue Fantasia interpenetrates the abstract and the figurative in a powerful game of contrast to send you a message of hope.


Ms. NOH's paintings exist as statements of faith in the omnipresence of nature and the renewal of energy that undergoes human existence over time: the ultimate allegiance to which artists participate in life in all its contradictory and ephemeral aspects.

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